š SÄ siedzi & Kumple
How can I get neighbors?
You can add new neighbors with help of the neighbor panel. To open the neighbor panel please tap the handshake icon in the bottom right of t...
Remove a neighbor
Open your list of neighbors and see which neighbor(s) you want to delete. Tap and hold the picture until you see a red X appear on the top r...
Visit a neighbor
To visit a neighbor, please follow the steps below.1) Tap the Menu button at the bottom right of your screen.2) Tap the neighbor icon in the...
What can I do when I visit my neighbors?
Note the 5 hearts in the bottom right corner when visiting a neighbor.These hearts represent the number of actions you can perform on your n...
I don't get any crop on my neighbor's farm
Harvesting on neighbor's farmsIf you're harvesting crops on your neighbor's farms, you will sometimes see an animation to indicate you obtai...
Send gifts to neighbors
There are 2 ways to send a gift to a neighbor: 1) From the inboxGo into your inbox - the yellow envelope on the top right of your screen.Tap...
Request gifts
1) Free giftTo ask for a free gift from your neighbor, tap the menu button, then the "Gift" icon.You can ask for an item from a neighbor by ...
Why canāt I ask for gifts from my neighbors
You can only request items from each individual neighbor once every 24 hours.If you still canāt send gift requests after the 24 hour period,...
Accepting and using gifts
Accept giftsTo use a gift, the first thing you'll need to do is to retrieve the gift from the inbox. The inbox is the yellow envelope l...
Send Free Gift Coins
Free gift coins You can only send free gift coins to your neighbors after they have fulfilled one of your gift requests. There is no other ...
Brakuje Ci aktywnych sÄ siadĆ³w? Bez obaw! Od teraz otrzymasz pewnÄ iloÅÄ nowych aktywnych graczy na swojej liÅcie sÄ siadĆ³w. Ci gracze wyÅw...
Kumpel należy do Twojej grupy najbliższych przyjaciĆ³Å. Kumple mogÄ wrÄczaÄ sobie specjalne prezenty i pomagaÄ sobie, aby zdobyÄ specjalne n...
Jak sprawdziÄ informacje o sÄ siadach?
Chcesz dowiedzieÄ siÄ, kiedy TwĆ³j sÄ siad obchodzi swojÄ FarmerskÄ RocznicÄ, albo poznaÄ podstawowe informacje o jego farmie? Nie ma sprawy!...
Farm likes
How to like a neighbor's farmWhen you visit a neighbor's farm, there is a smiley face at the top of the screen. Tap on it to like your neigh...
Grupowe odwiedziny
OdwiedÅŗ wszystkich sÄ siadów jednym klikniÄciem! Do grupowych odwiedzin sÄ siadów możesz używaÄ Czystych Biletów. N...
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