Did you finish all your farm tasks and do you want to relax a bit? Go fishing, for the real seaside experience! You can find the fishing pier at the side of your farm. Tap on the fishing pier to try out your fishing skills!

The fishing pier will be unlocked on level 22.

After you tap on the fishing pier, the game will load the fishing feature. It will look like the picture shown below.

Here's a short introduction to the different buttons in this picture:
  1. This is the amount of bait you have. To add more bait, simply tap on the plus sign. A panel will pop-up where you can trade in your barn products for bait. For each barn product, a number will be displayed to indicate how much bait you will receive. You can have a maximum of 999 bait.
  2. The fishing net: It’s available if you open the fishing college after reaching level 8 at the Resort.
  3. This icon shows the rod you're currently using. To change the rod, simply tap on this icon. There are 3 different types of rods. The more expensive the rod, the better the quality and the easier it is to catch fish.
  4. This icon shows the hook (for a rod) or net float (for a net) you're currently using. To change the hook/net float, simply tap on this icon. There are 5 different types of hooks, and 4 different types of net floats, each consuming different amounts of bait and also catching different types of fish. Note that the Colorful Hook consumes 100 TC each time you fish with it, it doesn't consume bait.
  5. These are your fishing chances. By default all players will have 7 fishing chances, which will replenish by 1 fishing chance every 10 minutes or you can buy new chances with TC.
  6. Fish Market is a place where you can sell and buy fish. For more information check 'Beginners Guide' -> 'Fish Market'.
  7. This is your fishing book. Tapping on it will open a book where you can see what kinds of fish live in the fishing pier and which hook you need to catch it. An example is shown below.
Note the stars shown for each fish. You get stars for the number of fish you've caught of this type, the amount of taps you needed to catch the fish, and the biggest specimen you've caught of this type of fish.

How to fish?
Choose a rod, a hook and make sure that you have enough baits and fishing chances. Tap the see to cast your line. Tap the screen again to start reeling a fish in. You will see a silhouette of the fish in water.
Tap on the screen when the fish image is as close to the center of the screen as possible. Keep an eye on the catching bar at the top of the screen - if you tap in the wrong time, when a fish will be far away from the screen center, the catching bar will fill up and your fish will escape.

When you want to catch a certain type of fish, use the boost to improve your luck! To use the boost, choose a hook that will help you to catch this type of fish, then tap the "Boost", then find a fish you want to catch in a new window and tap "Ok" under its image.
Note: boost will require more baits and fishing chances.