What is the Darts Arena?
Darts Arena is a time-limited event where 50 players compete against each other. During the event, you will collect targets by beating levels. Your rank will be determined by the number of targets you have collected.
In addition, Darts Arena consists of several steps. Each step has its own goal and reward. When you reach the goal of a step, you get a reward and move on to the next step.
You can increase your multiplier and collect more targets by beating levels without failing.
If you fail a level, your multiplier will reset.
When the Darts Arena is over, you will receive a reward based on your rank.
You can see your ranking in the event by tapping the Darts Arena icon on the home screen.
Every Darts Arena is separate. You cannot transfer your targets to the next Darts Arena events.
You can collect extra targets from Hard and Super Hard levels.
Darts Arena
Last Updated: 267d