Alert! Alert! A pollution accident occurred in the ocean around your Sea Resort, causing harm to numerous innocent creatures. Fortunately, Mom has built an eco-friendly, fast submarine which lets us venture to the ocean floor and purify the poor contaminated and Tainted sea critters.


How to Play

After unlocking the fifth plot of the Sea Resort you'll gain access to the Institute of Ecology that is located next to your Aquarium. Tap it to open the panel of expedition preparations: here you can select bonuses for the expedition ahead. If you want to know more about a bonus, tap the “i” icon in the top left corner of each bonus.

When you begin an expedition, your submarine will be level 1. You’ll be able to level it up via purifying sea animals and earning experience points (EXP) for each successful rescue. In the beginning the ocean floor is covered in fog which you can clear by coming right up to it. If an animal is close by, you’ll see an exclamation mark and the animal’s level above the fog.

Note that it’s much easier to purify animals who are the same level as you or lower but purifying animals who are higher level than you gives you more EXP.

You will lose Health Points to the lingering pollution around the contaminated and Tainted animals as you purify them. But don't worry, you can replenish your Health by either clearing more fog or utilizing the Tool Kits that are scattered throughout the ocean floor.

When you tap an animal, the purification HUD will appear and display the stats for both you (on the left) and the animal (on the right).

Red Heart icons: Indicate the remaining Health Points for you and the remaining amount of contamination for the animal.

Level Star icons: Show your submarine's current level, as well as the amount of EXP required to reach the next level, and the animal’s current level.

Purifying Ray icons: Show how much pollution you will be able to remove in one purification and how much Health you will lose to the lingering pollution around the animal at the same time.

Bonuses on the Ocean Floor

Tool Kit: Restores Health Points.

Purifying Essence: Enhances the power of Purifying Rays. 

Oxygen Tank: Increases the Health Points limit and recovers some of your Health at the same time. 

Underwater Treasure: Gives you Research Points.


Marine Life Collection

Save creatures of a specific type enough times to light up a star, and you’ll receive a reward. Tap the star underneath the image of the creature in the Marine Life Collection to preview the reward. 


Underwater Store

Here you can buy farm resources with the Research Points you’ve earned during expeditions.