A Buddy belongs to a group of your close friends. Buddies can share special gifts and help each other to get special rewards.

How to get a Buddy
You can choose a Buddy from your list of Neighbors. Visit a Neighbor you want to be buddies with, find the green button on the left side of the farm name panel. Click on it and confirm that you want to send a Buddy request. Once you send a Buddy request, you will need to wait until they accept it and confirm it.

Note: You can have a limited amount of Buddies.

Buddy Grade & Benefits
Once you are a Buddy with your neighbor, you’ll start on Buddy Grade 0. To increase your grade, you can go to your Buddy’s farm and help them out, such as cleaning their decorations, harvesting, fertilizing crops, and eating at the Cooking Stand. Each Buddy Grade will unlock more benefits.

To check possible benefits on each Buddy Grade, open the list of your buddies and tap on the Buddy Benefits icon.

When visiting a Buddy's farm, you can claim a Buddy Gift. The higher the Buddy Grade is, the better rewards you can get!

Buddy Tree
Once you reach Buddy Grade 1, you will be able to unlock the Red Mystron tab on the Mystery Store. From here, you will be able to purchase items such as Buddy Tree.

After purchasing the Buddy Tree, you will need to build it by tapping on it. After that, you will need Buddy Hearts to make the tree grow. You'll receive Buddy Hearts when Buddies care for your Buddy Tree. After it’s grown, the Buddy Tree will give a reward to both you and your Buddies. Then it will disappear afterwards.