Don't know how to run a farm every day? Complete Daily Quest and collect fine rewards!

The Daily Quest is a list of simple tasks you can do on your farm every day to earn exp, coin, produce some products and get rewards.

You can find the Daily Quest panel by tapping on the yellow exclamation mark icon on the left side of the screen. 

After that a new pop-up window will appear and it will show you the list of tasks you can complete. The higher level of your farm, the more tasks will be available.

Tap on the icon of any task and to get more details how to complete it and what reward you will get. Tap the "Show me" button, and you will get a hint how to complete the task.

Completed task will give you yellow droplets. When you reach 100, 200, 300 and 400 droplets, you'll get a Daily Quest box. The box will contain different rewards and some Farmium, so you can use the Laboratory techs on your farm. For more details check 'Game Tips Seaside Farm' -> 'Laboratory'.

The Daily Quest updates every day at 00:00 local time.

Note: This function works on both Seaside and Island Farm.