Tap on this icon in the upper left corner of the screen, or directly from the News Board.
How to play
1. Search the Mazes for a Maze Gate Key to open up the Maze Gate and find a Treasure Map;
2. Use the Treasure Map to travel to other Mazes using the Submarine or similar transport*(1);
3. Complete your Treasure Hunt Goals to earn rewards while exploring the Mazes;
4. Use the treasures you collect to purchase chosen rewards in the Maze Store;
5. Climb the Group and Global Leaderboards by exploring more Mazes for more exciting rewards;
6. Help your Club to win a Club Treasure Hunt reward*(2).
*(1): Once you leave a Maze, you can never return, so be sure you are ready to leave!
*(2): You must be in a Club and the points are only accumulated by current Club members.