Delete Account (only for iOS)
If you want to delete your account please go to the Settings Cog, then Account, and tap on [Delete Account].
If the account has a bound social media account, the corresponding binding relationship will be removed when the account is deleted.
Please note that account deletion is an irreversible process. Please only tap the button after careful consideration.
Delete Account (for Android)
Our Engineer Team is ready to reset your game (once per User ID) for you if you want to start again. Just remember that when the game will be reset, this means that all of your progress, including Coins, Petals, Gems, Machines, Buildings, Decorations, Rewards, Dragons, etc, will be deleted forever. You will not be able to add any of these to your new game; you will start completely from the beginning. Also, any payments you have made will not be transferred between Games.
If you have thought hard and you are ready, please contact our Customer Support and provide the following information:
* Your User ID
* Your in-game Name
* Your level
* The number of Gems you have
* The last island you are exploring (in the chapters)
These will be used to cross check our logs with your information to confirm your account, as well as for security purposes, so make sure they are correct.