1. Customer Support
If you encounter any problems in your game, you can contact our customer support. To do this, tap your profile picture > Settings > Support.

If you receive an error message in your loading screen, you can tap on the button Support to contact us.

If you can't open the loading screen, please send us an email at contact_idlemafia@centurygame.com. The more information you can give about your issue, the faster we can resolve your problem. It might take 24 to 48 hours for us to reply to you, depending on our ticket volume. Don't worry if you don't receive a reply from us immediately. We will get back to you as fast as we can.
2. Official Discord Channel
We also have an official Discord server where you can get tips and help from other players. After joining us on Discord, you can share your own experiences or chat with other players and developers. If you want to know how certain features work in the game, you will get an answer very fast from our helpful community. Keep in mind though that any issues related to your account will need to be investigated by our customer support, due to the nature of the issue. For example:
- Payment issues
- Missing items
- Account reset
- Account transfer
- Payment issues
- Missing items
- Account reset
- Account transfer